Calendula is...

Calendula is a video game. Calendula is a meta game. Calendula is a minimalist game. Calendula is a horror game. Calendula is an atmospheric game. Calendula is a mystery. Calendula is an experience. Calendula is a glass full of blood. Calendula is evil. Calendula is a flower. Calendula is pain. Calendula is your deepest secret.


How to play...

... a game that does not want to be played? What if it is not a game? What if YOU were the game? Let the darkness play with you. And please, remember, it is not your fault...



Calendula has been developed by a bunch of bodies possessed by obscure forces:

Now on Steam
Now on Steam
Now on Steam


Say something. Ask whatever you want. Someone, somewhere, will read it.

info ( at ) calendulagame ( dot ) com